1.) You watch out not to touch your seat belt buckle as you know it'll be hot as an iron.
2.) You learn to drive with only two fingers on the steering wheel as it is too hot to handle.
3.) Any liquids left in the car will be boiled by the time you return.4.) You realize Asphalt has a liquid state out a little far in the distance.
5.) 9 AM feels about as hot as 2 PM.
6.) You make sure to wait in your car for a couple of seconds when you get in to let the AC run.
7.) Everyday seems hotter than the last.
8.) Following^ - except the one day its below 90, then its "cool" out.
9.) Your A/C broke on your car, at the worst possible time of course.
10.) "Where has the day gone?" takes on a whole new meaning when its 3 PM and you haven't done anything yet.
But even with all that heat I don't mind it - in fact I kinda like it. I like to sweat in the summer, to pull back the mesh of my hair plastered against my forehead and taste the drops of sweat collected above my lip. Its me, its how I grew up - I know no other way and I miss it too much when I'm away from it. The heat is a part of me, it fuels me and the cold only weakens me so I'll take the heat any day. People who aren't used to the cold don't understand how awful it is - how very fortunate we are to have heat. And yes, we are very fortunate.
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