I like people. Not so much meeting them, although that can be enjoyable, but I prefer to see them. Photographs especially. I like seeing people in photographs. When I see someone's picture and it catches my eye, I begin to hum a quiet tune in my head. Something I heard in a movie, or a trailer, long ago but I seem to have forgotten where. But there I go, quietly humming inside my head and slowly allowing myself to be whisked off by the picture. Its almost an out of body experience except its my mind, it breaks free of the confines of my skull and swirls above me floating on that sweet tune. I can stare, and stare, and stare - all day long perhaps at the photo and still remain riveted. I can't explain it any better than that, I simply become mesmerized or entranced.
But there's more....
I don't simply appreciate the people in the photograph, in fact their appearance has not much to with its charm. Its their movement that captivates me. Even though its a still frame, I swear I can see them moving! And i'm not just talking about in the photo either. They escape the four corners and I watch them dance around - they too are shrouded by my sweet tune and soon there is a harmonious blend between picture and mind, reality and imagination. I love to see how their arms bend, how their legs dangle. I want to visualize the rush they feel when leaping or running. I want to feel the warmth of people's hands as they glide across a surface and I want to distinguish the textures beneath their skin. Movement captivates me thoroughly. I can also feel their moods too, the mild swaying evokes melancholy while their upward eyes and squared shoulders inspires pride and confidence in me. A photograph for me is much more than a still frame, its a living memory which comes alive at the touch and envelopes me in its imagery. A photograph is something special, but one with movement is something magical.
And there goes I go again, humming that sweet tune....
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