Monday, November 3, 2008

Choose Your Destiny Tommrow

Twenty months of enduring non-stop ridiculous media coverage and endless (and mindless) conversation about the candidates will all be over after tomorrow evening. Well, they'll still "cover" the story for another month or two, or three but at least the speculation will be gone and everyone will just Shut up! I'm not a huge fan of Obama, mostly because i don't think he has enough experience and i believed he allied himself with greedy backstabbing democrats to beat out who I actually wanted, Hillary Clinton. But, I am by no means a Republican and unfortunately, out of touch McCain doesn't suit me either. Having said that, i actually like Sarah Palin, and I'm proud to see a woman (especially a strong woman) running and being one step closer to breaking that highest glass ceiling (that has 18 million cracks in it!!!). However, I am in complete opposition with all her positions so alas i have decided to cast my vote for Obama. Tomorrow I hope he wins but if there's anything I'll take away from this campaign is that one day I do believe we'll see a woman in the White House and thanks to Hillary Clinton, that day is closer than its ever been!
(Photo Credit:

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